The stock ARC tubes in my LS-26 now have around 2500 hours. A few questions for LS-26 owners:
These tubes are rated to 5000 hours--will they really go that far or should I consider replacing them soon? The unit sounds as good as the day I bought it FWIW.
When I get to replacing them I'd be interested in going with an upgraded set of tubes to get the most out of my preamp.
Can you tell us about your experience going from the standard 6H30's to the tubes you got from BAT, which they are calling the 6H30P on the website not the 6H30-DR? In what ways and to what degree did the sound improve? How much did these cost compared to the stock tubes?
Thanks for your help with this.
Also, I've never heard anyone claim the LS-26 is superior to the REF 3 and wouldn't expect it to be at their relative price points. While I have never heard the REF 3 I can say that the LS-26 is a very fine linestage. Not only does it sound incredible but it is solidly built and ergonomically well designed. A really beautiful piece of gear that I will keep for a long while.
The stock ARC tubes in my LS-26 now have around 2500 hours. A few questions for LS-26 owners:
These tubes are rated to 5000 hours--will they really go that far or should I consider replacing them soon? The unit sounds as good as the day I bought it FWIW.
When I get to replacing them I'd be interested in going with an upgraded set of tubes to get the most out of my preamp.
Can you tell us about your experience going from the standard 6H30's to the tubes you got from BAT, which they are calling the 6H30P on the website not the 6H30-DR? In what ways and to what degree did the sound improve? How much did these cost compared to the stock tubes?
Thanks for your help with this.
Also, I've never heard anyone claim the LS-26 is superior to the REF 3 and wouldn't expect it to be at their relative price points. While I have never heard the REF 3 I can say that the LS-26 is a very fine linestage. Not only does it sound incredible but it is solidly built and ergonomically well designed. A really beautiful piece of gear that I will keep for a long while.