I have ripped more than 4500 CDs to my NAS. The ripper provides data, such as errors encountered in the ripping process. Not one of the CDs had an error. Some of the CDs date from back at the beginning of CD production.
I believe that the concern raised about CDs came from the experience with laser discs, something that predates the CD. Laser disc were subject to deterioration when air managed to get between layers of its sandwich construction causing the metalized reflective layer to oxidize. I have seen this "laser rot" on laser discs. But, CDs are made differently and are not as prone to problems with oxidation.
As to the extremely long run, who knows? Will the polycarbonate plastic in CDs begin to cloud or become fragile? I don't have to worry because my CDs are ripped and then put on shelves as backup or for their cover art, booklet information, etc.