The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
I think both Carl_eber & Tm12 both need a good lesson in manners!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, LET US NOT FORGET, weather it is specking & teching or just listening, this hobby is about what makes you happy with it. It is just like Baskin Robbins, if everyone likes the same thing then they would only have one flavor. Remember it is what you like, or what makes you happy however you spend your money on this stuff. Surly it is not worth getting all this excited about. I have done this hobby since the days of mono. I have made many good friends & listened to music all over this country. Just have fun, which is the point. If confrontation & arguments & showing your inappropriate behavior are your thing, then maybe another hobby might be better for you & all the people you come in contact with. Poor Guys!
What I had in mind when I posted this thread was not a popularity contest. These threads can be of utmost value to those new audiophiles as well as the veteran. As far as I am concerned, these postings are much more useful than the audio magazines. I wish there was this kind of forum 25 years ago when I first got into audio. Do you think Albertporter has some hidden agenda in speaking so highly of his beloved soundlabs? What about Carl_eber's Resolution audio CD player. Of course not. Can you say the same about the audio magazines? Audiogon IMO is the audiophiles best friend. There is so much valuable input that can be gained by it's members. It is obvious by the postings that there is a lot of passion involved with this hobby. I am no less passionate. A good heated debate over an amp, IC or whatever never hurt anybody. In fact it could be of great benefit. Belittling someone for there views serves no one. Thank you Audiogon members. You guy's are great.
And yet that's just what will happen in a thread like this, isn't it? You can keep deleting my calls to ban Tm12, and I'll keep posting them. Ban Tm12.
My favorite poster would be Trelja. As a Southern female audio enthusiast (audiophile would be pushing it), his common sensical advice is appreciated by this novice. I find the interplay between Carl and Tm12 a real hoot. Better than watching "Scariest Police Videos." I agree with Carl that men far outnumber women. Why? Who cares. While I appreciate fine audio, I'd rather listen to the Clash on a Sear's hi-fi set than Mariah Carey on the world's finest system.
I share your love of the Clash and they sound amazing on a good hi fi system.I have been playing my vinyl copy of Sandanista.Its a joy to be hold.