The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?

My brother-in-law entered my home as jazz was playing on my system. After about three songs, the announcer came on and started to speak..and my brother-in-law looked at me with amazement.."that was the radio??!!

He could not believe he was listening to a radio station. It was my killer Sansui TU-X1 tuner doing its thing. Best compliment I could ever receive. My bro-in-law is not an audiophile.
"That sounds really good".

Truthfully most people could care less how it sounds. They think my wireless controlled music server and Squeezebox devices are pretty cool though when I use that to get the music playing. And they are also sometimes really impressed more by the physical presence of my really big OHM F5 speakers. Size matters it seems when trying to impress people.

Nilthepill - Cool! Sounds like a terrific compliment to both your system and your father. :^)
I also have only had a hand full of people that really appreciated and enjoyed listening to music form my rig. As Wolf said most don't care, many are impressed with the gear and ask a few questons but never ask to hear it.