The best mini monitors you have heard?

Two ways, either stand-mounted or small floor standers. If you have good experience, could you share? I have been using the Kharma 3.2s for a few years, so take that as my reference point. I have heard the Magico Minis...impressive initially but too aggressive for prolonged listening..and arguably overpriced IMHO. I haven't heard the MKII version. I recently heard the Dynaudio Confidence C1, driven by Plinius electronics. I was impressed, esp when i found out it can be had for 1/3 to 1/4 the price of the 3.2s or the Minis. What else is out there? please share.
IMHO, my Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage's are the best small (I wouldn't call them mini) monitors I have heard.
Absolutely beautiful to look at and they dissapear leaving just the perfomers in my room.
I too have heard the Excalante speakers are very nice. No dealer in my area :-(

At this price range, it really is worth listening to the Wilson Duettes and many others. But per the initial comments about the satisfaction with the Dynaudio's, why not go with those. They make a nice speaker that perform well. You don't hear of too many people that grow dissatisfied with them, other than to possibly work up their line. Very well rounded speakers.
Best monitor I ever heard were the Platinum Audio Reference 1's they needed juice but could they play.