The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Siddh, I went with the Treo's. When I update and go separates, I can add the new subs he's working on and my system will slam (when I want it to of course). You can get the new 2's and add the Ayre separates and I promise you that you will get a LOT Of the 7's sound for budget costs. The newer Vandy's have the better drivers, but he just makes changes and rarely puts new numbers on things. I can't wait to hear the 9's rock out with his new amps...That will change the game I think as the people who want real 120db listening (stupid for your ears) will get it.
Has anyone used any of the sonus faber bookshelf or monitor speakers could you tell me your thoughts on them.
Like anything it depends on he model especially since the new company took over. It also depends on room and components. They were known for a rounded or romantic sound. I used to love their old "sound" with audio research amps.
I want the old stuff not the new sound. Cremona auditors on up. Please no Olympica stuff. The serblin era or a little after.
My cousin has had Sonus Faber Guanieri with ARC tube separates for over 10 years now. He played the Eagles' Seven Bridges Road for me once (CD recording)). The aliveness of that music (great separation & texture/tonality on individual vocal parts) made a lasting impression on me. Something I've sought to recreate in my own much more modest system. Ain't got there yet, however. I'm not saying the SFGs are the best - have not heard enough speakers for a valid opinion. But they are certainly very good. Mainly just posting my impression in response to the question about Sonus Faber. The other thing worth mentioning is that for how small they are bass was well represented in the music I heard from them. Takes quality amplification, I'm sure.