Cartridge: Disclaimer - I have no recent experience with inexpensive cartridges. But, you fell in love with Miyajima - do they sell an inexpensive one? I have heard and read good things about the Nagaoka line, it is or was the factory recommendation for a good line of turntables. What does your dealer say?
Don’t buy used!!! Except from your dealer or another trusted source. Not until you have more experience.
May I also suggest an inexpensive alignment protractor, and an inexpensive torque screwdriver? Even an experienced user can tighten one side of the cartridge much more than the other - at least, I have. But not with a torque screwdriver.
You don’t have to use the stuff right away, or even ever. Just having it around will help. Imagine using it, get a friend or dealer to show you how, eventually install a $50 cartridge several times. Use it on a record that you don’t value much. And if you never do use the setup equipment, so what? One of my audio friends with a higher end system (but not quite where you are) won’t even think about it. His friends do it for him, and gladly.
Good luck and good listening.
Don’t buy used!!! Except from your dealer or another trusted source. Not until you have more experience.
May I also suggest an inexpensive alignment protractor, and an inexpensive torque screwdriver? Even an experienced user can tighten one side of the cartridge much more than the other - at least, I have. But not with a torque screwdriver.
You don’t have to use the stuff right away, or even ever. Just having it around will help. Imagine using it, get a friend or dealer to show you how, eventually install a $50 cartridge several times. Use it on a record that you don’t value much. And if you never do use the setup equipment, so what? One of my audio friends with a higher end system (but not quite where you are) won’t even think about it. His friends do it for him, and gladly.
Good luck and good listening.