The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Because he replied to your immodest bragging about yourself just after your disparagement and ignorance about Tesla....And about eidetic memory facts....


For a supposed adult, you have the maturity of a 3yr old. How else do you justify this comment you made?

Mathematics does not trump Reality. Reality does not bend to equations, equations that require magical objects like black holes, neutron stars, dark matter to explain what is being observed out in space.

Our equations don’t add up, ohhhhhh it’s not that our mathematical, unverified understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe is incomplete, no no no there must be this 99.9% of the universe that is completely invisible. Can’t be detected, can’t be interacted with, can’t be verified......but it MUST exist or our equations don’t balance out. And Gravitational equations are sacrosanct... can’t be challenged.

Anyone that dares to point out this fundamental a nutcase.


A star is spinning out in space at the speed of a dentist drill, at least we think it is spinning, but no object that size can stay intact as explained by the theory of star formation. Hmmmmmm okay, instead of actually addressing the problem and modifying mathematical models to align with observation........we come up with an object sooooo dense, that it still stays intact spinning at those speeds. An object made of Neutrons, neutrons so densely packed together, that have never been observed in experiments, or anywhere else in nature, a phenomenon that violates all known laws of Nuclear physics. Attach it to a few new equations and off we go....


String theory and it’s 10 extra dimensions.....I don’t even need to go there.

This is what happens when you have Mathematicians sitting in their basements, dictating that reality conform to their theoretical models.

All inconvenient observations are filtered out, wild fairy tale objects are debated endlessly......Just another version of "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

Hey, but what do I know...all this has been debunked on a video on need to pay attention. Move along, nothing to see here.

Like i said there is a revolution in neuroscience and biology right now...

It is a revolution like physics has known one with quantum mechanics...

We cannot understand cosmology WITHOUT understanding what life is first...

One of the pionneer is Karl Friston another genius like Tesla...

By the way the problem is not the use of mathematics " per se" but the way and the imaginative context where we use it...





Mathematics is a language, a language of patterns. You can conjure up any pattern, real or imagined, and prove it mathematically.

Mathematics must always be tied back down to reality, it cannot be a substitute for observation. @mahgister

I just say the same thing in my last post...

Then we are in the same boat....

What i called an "imaginative context" for mathematization is a "reality" perceived by humans and ONLY described by maths on some aspects....

Friston is a perfect example....He use old mathematics in a totally new way....


But we can describe some qualities with mathematic, like in acoustic for example, but the qualitative experience cannot be exhausted by measures or numbers...