The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Only with their phone in public space humans lost already their attention to others and to nature...

Compassion and understanding need attention focus...

We must educate human in attention...

If not we are lost....


Forget the phone, imagine now a real A.I. behind it tomorrow,

We are already ouselves the product goggle and facebook and others corporations sell...

We will be tomorrow only pieces to be eat alive by these corporations...

This crisis illustrate this perfectly....

Anyway if someone want to understand the economical world we are in, read the three hundred old Bernard Mandeville...Totally freaking genius....But not one who could contribute to humanity survival now....

Mandeville is so deep and intelligent Orwell is an optimist schoolboy compared to him....

Mandeville is one of the greatest secret of the philosophical history...So intelligent it seems he was understood only by few...But those few created our economical world...From Adam Smith to Hayek....


Some genius are so deep than almost no one understand them...Goethe, Grothendieck, Ramanujan Archimedes for example...Mandeville is so intelligent the poor Freud would have great difficulty to teach him something new...And the poor Marx would have been corrected like a bad pupil...


@mahgister agreed, we are about to experience the perfect Technocratic surveillance state. Maintained by an AI that is omnipotent.

Matrix part 5?

@mahgister agreed, we are about to experience the perfect Technocratic surveillance state. Maintained by an AI that is omnipotent.

Matrix part 5?


I wish this was totally a joke, with humans and democracy, there is always the potential for change, for revolution. When politicians, out of greed and laziness turn more and more decision making to AI, then where comes the revolution?

Lockdown after lockdown, each harsher than the last, people will beg for this AI system. Contact tracing and Vaccine passports are just the tip of the iceberg,.

I think it’s time to build a house out in the woods, with a dedicated room for a modded Magnepan 20.7 speaker setup :)