The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


@cindyment ...all plasma experiments in a laboratory setting have shown Linear Scaling that is directly proportional to energy input.

I must have missed it, but can you direct me to any experiments on Earth that have turned Gasses in a vacuum into mini Black Holes (I’ll even settle for microscopic, or subatomic) Must be a very easy thing to do, considering the almost unlimited amounts of money afforded to Standard Gravitational model scientists.


Quick question....Do you ever hold your own side to your own standard of evidence?

Myself i cannot judge the validity of these ideas to the cosmos for sure...

Then i let you argue...

I only know that we dont know what electricty is...

Is electricity could explain something in cosmology .... Probably...

Is electrical model valid for cosmology? i dont know....But i guess being not a scientist that there is something in it... I cannot go further save for this...

Recent discoveries ( Gobeke tepli) EXPLODE completely our understanding of the past...

One thing is almost certain, ancient mythologies reflect our ancestors experiences in symbolic coding more truthfully than British anthropology from Frazer for example suggested to us at the times...

«Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth (first published by Gambit, Boston, 1969) by Giorgio de Santillana (a professor of the history of science at MIT) and Hertha von Dechend (a scientist at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität) is a nonfiction work of history and comparative mythology»

This is only an exemple.... This book is very erudite and cannot be read lightly at all... It is already an old book , criticized at the times but not by all authorities...

Gobeke tepli discovery and his revelations go in the direction of this book thesis...

Than rejecting myths in the fantasy basket is ridiculous and non scientific at all....

There is actually a COMPLETE REVOLUTION about our understanding of our own history....

One of the main discovery is about the fact that our ancestors were very pragmatic not only dreamers of fantasy painting walls...

Science illuminate by new hypothesis the " ancient mysteries" around the mediterranean sea teachings for example and for the first time we begin to understand what is behind the monotheistic religions...

Interesting times on all fields...



«Did we just not discover a Mc Intosh amplifier in a pyramid?»-Groucho Marx 🤓

« Almost  better than that, we uncover the Antykythera mechanism brother»-Harpo Marx


This British Centric worldview is collapsing in all directions...

Banking, economics, biology, health, astronomy, physics, philosophy, history, and pretty much every fundamental question to do with life on this planet.


@mahgister These are very interesting times, it is a time of amazement, not fear.

There is a revolution happening within Human Consciousness, in their desperation to impede it's progress, the ruling ideologies have only accelerated the process.

Grab a chair, bring out some popcorn, and just enjoy the show :)

For me the deepest revolution that encompass all the others discoveries is the

dismissing of materialism , it is now becoming more and more a sterilizing hypothesis in all field, in neurology for example (Karl Friston)...



If we resume all the history of philosophy for the last 2 millenia in the Occidental world in few words these will be :

In the ancient past, in the Eleusis mysteries or in Egypt Temples (universities) man was recognized EXPERIMENTALLY to be constituted by 3 level of realities: body/soul/spirit...

Then come Christianity and the council fathers just after the Roman empire adopted christianity with Constantine, and then it was a decree of the council fathers that man has a soul and a body, but no spirit of his own, ( In the latine Church, it was slightly different for orthodoxy which stay more true to his Greek roots) If he want to enter in contact with God he must rely on the AUTHORITY of the church... He cannot by his own if not he is heretical then dead...Guess why this was so decreted? To maintain the empire and the Church power over the soul....

After that in the 2 last centuries after the industrial revolution, especially culminating with the transhumanist cult nowadays, man was affirmed to own only a body....

Do you catch the problem?

This is the deep trend under all philosophical debates for 2 millenia .... I cannot prove it here and enter into the details...Too long...

What do we see on the world wide theater now?

A return to the true consciousness of tripartite constitution of man; body/soul/spirit...

Very enlightening times indeed !

Do you think an A.I. will even have a body?

A.I. have no body.... An assembly of part mechanically moving is not a body... Even if it could mimic a is in no way mechanical nor a computable engine like think Stephen Wolfram so wise he is...

Guess what, some want to interface and immerse themselves with A.I. and some want to sell this...Guess who want to sell this ?

How could we be more blind?

Electricity is a natural phenomena linked also to the evolution living organism, on thre level of reality, material, and also with plant on another level or scale connected with quantum phenomena which i will call "etheric" because i dont have other words...For the last level alsi electricity manifest by his polarity something very deep...

Tesla simply know that.... It is my hypothesis...

Being a truly spiritual man like his mother was, by the way she was also an inventive woman, he never surrender his freedom to the monstruous cartel of corporations willing to use his genius at will... They pull the plug of his research money when they see that it was impossible to restrain him...And the greatest inventor since many centuries died poor and ridiculed but working till his death without ever any possibility to experiment anymore...Einstein is a genius in theoretical physic, Tesla was not that, but he was the greatest inventor since very long time....We only know today thanks to the nobel prize attributed to Einstein for the photoelectrcal effect that electricity mysteries is deeper thant man was thinking in Maxwell time...Deeply immersed in quantum mechanics...

This monstruous cartel of bankers dominated the world right now...They catch the Us with the creation of the federal central bank, which is a totally private bank...

And now the sleepwalkers crowds war between themselves like in the Jonathan Swift novel, and insult themselves, demoncrat against republican...

Guess who profit of all that?

A clue : it is not the catholic empire no more....

Read some books to know who.... 😁😊



Those who dont know that especially today are simply sleepwalkers... Sorry....

But Master M you left out the Reformation of the ROMAN Catholic church, Martin Luther and the original church followers that had nothing to do with Roman Catholicism. The Baptist and Pentecostal churches were there 1000 years before the Roman Catholics were ever heard of.. Remember St Patrick was Roman just like his parents.. St Patrick father as a wealthy ROMAN governors in the Welch/Scottish region.. The early churches survived in Greece and Ethiopia not Rome, Aberrant at best, Roman Catholicism, it is accepted by it's own followers but by the Christian community as a whole, aberrant at best, Master M.

Even the day is wrong.. Saturday it has never EVER been on a Sunday. EVER..


I'll be BACK!!