The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype

Over many decades I have owned my share of multi-thousand dollar dacs.My current is my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5, which I have owned for ~ 4 years. I have made many changes to my system, including cables and it has shined a light on every one, so I tend to agree with the YTV . Your thoughts?


Showing 1 response by loomisjohnson

@audiotroy is unequivocally correct-- there's a lot of stuff besides the (comparatively cheap) chip that affects the dac's sound quality. i have a no-name, $60 chinese dac which uses the exact same chip as some high $$$ wadia and other high end players. the cheapo actually sounds pretty good, but it's not in the same league as the pricey stuff. the real question, as with most things audio, is how much you need to pay to get a discernible improvement-- i personally think that some of smsl's $500 offerings are tough to beat without spending a lot more.