The Future of Audio Amplification

I have recently paired an Audio Research DS225 Class D amplifier with an Audio Research tube preamplifier (SP8 mkii). I cannot believe how wonderful and lifelike my music sounds. The DS225 replaced an Audio Research SD135 Class AB amplifier. Perhaps the SD135 is just not as good as some of the better quality amps that are out there, but it got me thinking that amazingly wonderful sonance can be achieved with a tubed pre and Class D amp. I have a hunch that as more people experience this combination, it will likely catch on and become the future path of many, if not most audiophile systems. It is interesting that Audio Research has been at the forefront of this development.
When I said sell your class A, AB, tube amps NOW before you can only get pennies on the dollar, what I meant was $5,000+++ amplifiers days are over, at least for anyone who does a modicum of research prior to purchase, or who expects commensurate value before spending 2-3-4++ times the money, or who isn't suffering from Napoleon issues.

Each day that I follow this thread and listen to my system with a lowly Audio Alchemy stereo amp (MSRP $2K) and then listen with an even more critical ear, I remain amazed at the sweet sound it produces IN MY CURRENT SYSTEM. When I bought the Hattor XLR passive pre I experienced a impedance mismatch, which I resolved by getting the AA matching DAC//Pre

Again, I refer anyone to the March 2016 review, wherein Robert Harley compares the AA kit to Soulution EXTREMELY favorably (same designer). Of course, if one's system tends toward bright then, who knows?  And I am well aware that older Class D tech left a lot to be desired

Now that all said, I admit to wanting to explore more class D options. Nord's NC MK II monos are drawing me near, but funds ddo not llow me to get them without first selling mine, which I would not do as it provides so much musical pleasure
Interestingly, I have a pair of McIntosh 501s that are worth over $5,000 that I bought 10 years ago.   Sell, I think not.

What is you 10 year old class D expensive amp worth today?

Tweak1, think before you condemn other amp types to the dustbin.

McIntosh will be alive and well 10 ulyears from now.  Academic research has proven the best predictor of will you be in business next year is how long you have been in business.  For McIntosh that is 70 years.

I shall not bash other equipment types, but know the imbedded customer base for both tube and SS McIntosh amps is not going anywhere.

How old are you Ihasaguy? The question is not who is willing to buy today but who will be around tomorrow that thinks the Mac is as cool as it once was?

I was a McIntosh dealer so don't get me wrong, but I saw the Mac buyer age right along with the product. McIntosh deserves to be one of the last guys standing but I seriously doubt any mega weight audio products are going to be here tomorrow. Any of them. That's just me speaking but that's also from the mouths of the designers themselves.


LOL clearly you are defensive when YOU need not as you have owned and enjoyed your amps for 10 years, you will likely be buried with them as I plan to do with my 22 year old Yamaha Royal Star motorcycle

Your 10 yo Mac tube amps are based on tube tech that was around for decades. That they might be worth $5K today would be for collectors  more than for what can bought today, whereas class D was going through technology growing pains 10 yeas ago.

These days class D 's are damned good and in many opinions (Robert Harley as one example) equal to or better for a LOT less money than whatever the equivalent Mac to your 10 yo Macs would cost today
Dec 2018 TAS Jonathan Valin reviews MBL class D offerings and says: 

For a preamp priced a hair under $15k and a pair of monoblock amps about a third the price of the Constellation stereo amp, this was highly competitive performance.

and with  MBL 101 E Mk.II omnidirectional.speakers he says: 

it was the sheer joy I experienced listening to the system. Driven by the Noble Line electronics the 101 E Mk.IIs were and are nothing if not continual goosebump-raising fun.

Now the MBLs pre and monos butt up against $50K, which is about on third the cost of their non class D