The Hub: Okay. It's all my fault.

There are certain laws by which we all live. Aside from a nasty tendency to change lanes in the middle of intersections (gleefully pointed out by my teenaged son at every offense), I'm a pretty law-abiding guy. There are some laws, however, that you don't CHOOSE to violate, you just DO. Chief amongst those for me is the Law of Unintended Consequences. And I confess (just call me Tiger), there have been transgressions, involving that law.

"I just wanted to HELP people": how often have you heard THAT one? Seriously, though, I did, and I do. It pains me to read inarticulate prose, and unfortunately, I read a lot of it every day while reviewing the new ads here at Audiogon. So I wrote a piece about what makes an ad a GOOD ad (seen here), mentioning such elements as providing sufficient detail, being civil, and using humor to charm your reader and attract attention.

And that's when things went horribly, horribly wrong.

See, I used an ad from member Dertubemeister as an example. It was unusual, and rambling, and wise, and funny. It also sold his amp within a couple hours. Wow. I talked to Dert, got his simple philosophy on ad-writing ("People like stories"), and encouraged him to come back with another ad, next time he had an amp to sell. Harmless, right?

Well, that depends upon whom you talk to. Dertubemeister's encore, the now-infamous ''Heater'' ad, has been read a remarkable 13,000 times. I found it amusing, and thought it took a needed jab at the seriousness that envelops the high end. This forum thread discussed the ad, in enthusiastic terms.

Outside the Forums, reactions were mixed. One earnest member wrote me about the ad, fearing it was a scam; I responded that it wasn't a scam, it was a JOKE. Some merchants found the ad unprofessional, and claimed it distracted readers from REAL ads. The stats indicated otherwise, but logic seldom overcomes indignation.

Funnily enough, my friends in the audio press, manufacturers, and retailers all GOT it. But that may be why they're my friends.

So was the world changed by this string of events? No, not really. A little levity was brought to an often-too-serious community, but don't think for a second that we're not serious about business. We are, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping a close watch on Dertubemeister. His ads, and their aftermath, have made it apparent that some help is still needed amongst our users. With that in mind, I'll close with a few more guidelines for ad composition:

1. Reread what you wrote, as though you've never seen it before. Does it still make sense?

2. Never, EVER insult or abuse your reader. Not only is it incredibly bad business, it's a good way to make your ad disappear.

3. References to fecal matter are both unnecessary and unwelcome. Really, do you think that'll make people want to buy your item? Sure doesn't work that way for me.

4. PLEASE don't start your ad with the phrase, "If you're reading this, you know what this is." How lazy is that? You can still provide enough information to enlighten the poor souls who DON'T know what it is, but still might be interested in it. Besides which, we don't know anything about YOUR specific piece. TELL us!

-and finally,
5."Minty" is a flavor, not a condition; the word "perfect" is an absolute, and should never be followed by "except for..." or similar weasel-words; and NEVER use the phrase so beloved of craigslist sellers of non-running cars: "CAN work great!" It DOESN'T work great, mind you, but it CAN if it's completely rebuilt!

Go forth, and write great ads!
Oy. Where do I begin?

Dert, thanks once again for the contribution. I think we've all concluded that your "real" ads are remarkable enough, so I don't expect any ads for toaster-ovens or Dustbusters any time soon. ;->

Elizabeth, this time (!) I agree with you. As I've said several times before, the bifurcate joy/pain of high-performance audio is that EVERYTHING matters. That means that great improvements can be wrought at low cost (especially if you read and utilize Jim Smith's book), but it also means that some of those improvements may well be inexplicable, bordering on the mystical or magical.

I was trained in mechanical engineering, and I've seen/heard tweaks where my initial reaction was, "there's no WAY that can make a difference", and then have clearly heard that it DOES. The next step of course is where we have the tweak equivalent of Miss Cleo : pure fakes. Does that mean that some mysterious tweaks DON'T work? No, not at all. To me, it just means that dogma is not all that useful when it comes to audio.

You will be seeing changes in what you see on Audiogon. I should point out in our defense that there are LOTS of items submitted to us which are never allowed to see the light of day (or a monitor--I suspect that a lot of our members never SEE the light of day).

And, Elizabeth: I probably shouldn't have allowed that word with the asterisk in your penultimate sentence to go up. Our credibility isn't enhanced by letting one member do things like that, and then prohibiting others from it. I'm just sayin'.

C1: thank you. I appreciate appreciation.

Robyatt: thank you, also. Dunno to whom you're referring: I don't have TIME for beatings! ;->

Ferrari: whatcha gonna do? I'm getting old too, but I'm still trying to make a difference. I'm probably more dismayed by ads than amused by them; it's kind of like watching COPS, except there are fewer tattoos and mullets here. Hang in there, and thanks for the comments.

4est 4 the trees: we share your concerns, and we have been talking to a number of our advertisers. We're tryin', dude.

Thanks to you all for reading, and for caring enough to comment.
Ok i figured out why there is so much anger out there. I over spent (way over),maybe they did to? I too am looking to fault someone,but yours? think pretty highly of yourself?lol thanks for a great site. if people are talking it must be working? Music should be fun,used to be way back I thought it was a great AD wished I bought it now
The whole world needs a lot more levity. Lets show them that audiophools and philes alike can cohabibate!
The ad was funny.There are many ads on here that need improvement.Hopefully people will start posting better ads after all the talk.And the poor in taste language does not belong with the upper end people enjoying their upper end hobby. I definitely agree with Audiogon Bill about the ads placed here.
All your points are very well taken. As an audiophile and former ad industry account exec., I do believe careful crafting of ad copy and marketing can go a very long way in accelerating the sale of whatever a person might be selling for the price you want! Reading your article about rudeness toward potential buyers was also very well done, and immediately prompted me to think of the "Dakiom" ads regularly listed here. They are extremely wordy, wreak of condescenscion and anger, and simple put, just plain turn me off. The Dakiom products really do intrigue me and I might consider trying some in my system, but the tone and approach used in those ads repels me, rather than attracts me. Just my opinion, but I hope this causes that company to ponder their approach.