First: To answer arafiq's questions.
1) If you can't run the Balanced Pagoda, balanced it will not give you its best performance.
2) I have reviewed both the Orchid and the Tubadour III SE. If you can afford the up charge of $1000 for the Audio Mirror piece its worth it. You get subtle, but real increments of improvement compared to the Orchid. However, the Orchid does not "wilt" in comparison.
3) If you run the Balanced Pagoda balanced, in my opinion, its at least as good if not slightly better then the Tubadour III SE for about $400 less.
Just had a guest listener who brought his DAC over to compare to the Balanced Pagoda. He wanted to purchase it, it's on loan for the reviewing process, because how much he loved its performance and did not want to go back to his DAC in his system!