The Music Room

Hi has anyone done business with The Music Room?  They seem legit, but their lack of a published address makes me a little nervous
I have had a negative experience with TMR.I attempted to review them on their feedback column but was blocked from doing wonder they have a 100 per cent positive feedback.

The item they described as in perfect working order had issues.As we were in the middle of a cross country move I disposed of the tuner  because of my frustration and hassles returing it etc.I contacted TMR.Although I realized I was ineligible for any refund  I think they should have at least offered some sort of discount or minimal credit towards a future purchase.
I've bought a number of items from them with no issue.  I just purchased a preamp and it arrived with one of the capacitors detached.  I contacted them, sent them a photo, and they had a prepaid shipping label to me the same day, no questions asked, no hassle.  It remains to be seen how long the repair and return takes, but they certainly responded quickly and appropriately to the issue.

I disposed of the tuner
And you're expecting a refund?  I'm confused.

The item they described as in perfect working order had issues.As we were in the middle of a cross country move I disposed of the tuner  because of my frustration and hassles returing it etc.I contacted TMR.Although I realized I was ineligible for any refund  I think they should have at least offered some sort of discount or minimal credit towards a future purchase.

I hope I remember to never sell anything to you. That problem lies with you, and you alone. Had the tuner been available, I am confident they would have made it right by you. As it was, all they had was your word, no proof of a problem. They are just supposed to assume that you are not a scammer? Electronics are not meant to withstand the abuse that can occur in shipment. I have had items I have sold leave my possession in perfect working order show up at someone else's home not working correctly. It happens. You never even provided an opportunity to make it right and then you want to hold them responsible? Sorry, but that is your fault.
I noticed their offer for your equipment is always very low and their selling price always on high side. It is a business and it's understandable. My experiences have been mostly positive other than their low balling offers.