I have just purchased (from Underwood HiFi) the Perfect Wave Transport, DACII, and Bridge, and I also got the eLyric music software downloaded to my Macbook and my iPad. I am still trying to get the eLyric software to locate my Bridge in the DACII and allow me to stream my computer library to it. So far, the eLyric software finds all my Squeezeboxes (6 of them) and offers to stream to them, but not to the PS Audio Bridge. I have updated the firmware to the most recent version, so I'm not sure what else I have to do. I am running the Bridge wired to a wireless access point because my modem and router are on the third floor and my stereo is on the basement level of my townhouse. DACII shows it is connected to internet but eLyric still does not find Bridge. This is supposed to be plug and play! But being a longtime Squeezebox user, I know it can take some initial fiddling to get the system settled in properly. One thing about PS Audio is that they answer their phones and emails and will talk you through everything.