The new Raidho’s vs the new Borressen’s ?

Have you heard the new Raidho’s, TD4.8’s or TD4.2’s?  Reviews are over the moon !  Wondering how they compare to the new Borressen’s Z5’s or 05’s which are also receiving accolades.

I’ve used Magnepan 20.7’s for ten years now and they are great but not necessarily the best “all around” speakers.  My room is very large and the Maggie’s can’t quite fill the space completely.   I’m not unhappy with the Maggie’s but have been lusting for a top-notch dynamic box speaker for many years.  I like a BIG sound with lots of space.  
If you own the big Raidho’s or Borressen’s I’d like to hear you thoughts.  If you have heard these speakers give me your thoughts.  Thanks.
The room is 20’-6” w x 29’-2” L x 11` h.    The Borressen’s and Raidho’s are very close in retail price.  For the larger floor models they go from around $85k up to $170k.   Unbelievably expensive really, but that’s probably a different thread...

For that kind of scratch I would take a look at these speakers:

Athos 10 + Athos 12 Proven DynamiKKs!

I am not trying to change the topic of your thread.  What I like about them besides the sound is that they make their own drivers.

Happy Listening.    

Raidho D-4.1's are very nice. For a bigger room you might need a couple of subwoofers, but you might need these for any speaker. IMO, These would be a huge step up from magnepan's but so is the cost