The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
Thuchan thx for the comments.

there is only one ET2 Godfather - Bruce himself.

This dream of mine you describe...I just hope it doesn't turn into a massacre after some of the comments on this thread.
That would be..... bad.

I get the sense that the Serbian King is struggling with my last post suggesting he ride side by side on a camel with the Mexican Emperor Raul?

Maybe I should make sure Nikola's camel has two humps too ?

Well, when Henry wakes up he can decide if he wants me to project manage this trip for him. I am available for some work Henry, you know.
Maybe I can negotiate a Decca for my trip manager services; especially since I am learning from Thuchan that you already have a Camel and keep it in your backyard....

As a pet or for transportation I am not clear on that....  

Post removed 
We once bought a camel to keep our kangaroos company.....but the poor thing kept trying to come inside the house.

We have the same problem with black bears up north where we cottage. During the winter (now) they easily out number the tourists. Its a good thing they are asleep till spring; otherwise they could probably start a revolt in town.  

The five wise guys, instead of 3 wise men?


Dear Nandric,
You were talking about the Pope which I never do, so no wonder you are "under observation". In this context I do believe there was only one camel allowed at the Xmas crib. Already over 2000 years ago two camels were too much...not talking about the humps which seems to be one of ct1507's competency fields...
Btw I never complained about your posts (especially not yours) and not of anyone else. These strategies behind the scene I do believe is more found in latin-influenced countries, is this right? So looking for other authorities on ground one feels not safe enough to discuss.
Nandric, you need to change the focus of territorial struggle. Forget your own history and imagine you are living in warmer areas. You then understand why the heat is on more often.