The Placebo Effect

One of the things that should be taken into account in the evaluation of audio equipment, tweaks, etc is the Placebo Effect.

In the medical world, Placebos (open label or concealed) appear to mostly work on subjective symptoms, such as pain. They don’t work on an objective symptom — something a doctor could see or diagnose, such as a fracture on a bone. Placebos don’t shrink tumors, they don’t change your diabetes, and they’re not going to actually lower your blood pressure for more than 15 minutes, Basically, placebos appear to work on things that pass through the brain’s perceptual systems — where they can prompt the release of opioids and other endorphins (chemicals that reduce pain) in the brain. Bottom line, placebos can result in perceived improvement even where no actual improvement exists.

The same applies to our hobby. Probably too often, we sense improvement in SQ because of the Placebo Effect. Our money spent, hardware bias's, effective marketing, or being influenced by the experience of others (regardless if true), often have us believe that we have obtained improvements that don't really exist. This is not necessarily a bad thing because a perceived improvement, whether real or imagined is still an improvement to the listener. This may explain part of why certain "improvements" can't be measured. 

It is 2021 Gentlemen,

When the piano tuner shows up, especially if they are near the top of their game and called on to tune concert pianos, then the first thing they will pull out is a modern electronic tuning device. Humans are too inconsistent, and too slow to be trusted to tune the most critical instruments.
It is 2021 Gentlemen,

When the piano tuner shows up, especially if they are near the top of their game and called on to tune concert pianos, then the first thing they will pull out is a modern electronic tuning device. Humans are too inconsistent, and too slow to be trusted to tune the most critical instruments.
The main point in the debate is not what A.I. could do for you..... But what can you do without it....

A piano tuner can discuss with the demand of the pianist in a way a computer specialized tuner cannot....

Save if the electronically tuning piano computer is coupled to an ACOUSTICAL A.I. analyser able to analyse the sound of this specific piano for this specific hall or room....

No great pianist will use a mechanical tuning....

But perhaps they will use the A. I. i just described....

But ask yourself a question : what will become of humans if they BELIEVE that A. I. are more intelligent than them ?

By the way i dont believe that a.I. are more "intelligent" than us in a general way of speaking one second...

Giulio Tononi one of the great neuroscentist point out that the scale of "intelligence" intersect the scale of consciouness but they do not confuse in one another...

Then it is easy to predict the future like did Ray Kurzweil with is "singularity" myth...

This myth is very potent and A.I will be very "intelligent"....

Then the question is : what are we?

 By the way i dont live in this 2021 year you speak about....Time is very overvalued... 😊

then the first thing they will pull out is a modern electronic tuning device.
Absolutely, I have a couple electronic tuners, one for my guitar one for my dulcimer. 
"No great pianist will use a mechanical tuning...."

Perhaps I was not clear with my post. Almost all piano tuners who tune concert pianos, pianos used by the best pianists in the world, use electronic tuners to assist in their work. Almost no great pianist today will accept the variability of tuning based on human error.
“Assist” is the operative word. The electronic tuner is used primarily as a reference; usually in order tune middle C and then the middle octave. This becomes your reference. After that the technician’s ears come into play. If one relies entirely on what the electronic tuner tells you, the result will be a piano that sounds out of tune. Octaves in particular are impossible to make sound right with an electronic tuner and adjustments must be made by ear. Humans tend to hear low pitches higher than they actually are and high pitches lower than they actually are in reflexive attempt by the brain and to try and bring what we hear within the range of the human voice; so, fine adjustments must be made by ear. No electronic device can do what the trained human ear can do.