Doug, I have a home in Danville just down up the street from Chevron San Ramon. The price of fuel varies dramatically within the state of California. People living in the urban areas close to the Richmond refineries pay more than rural areas. The variables you mention are not what affect State wide pricing the oil companies do.

As I said it's what the particular market will bare.
When it comes to gas, it's not supple and demand that determines the price of a gallon of gas. Supply exceeds demand. Our number one export is oil. It will be for the foreseeable future.

Here is why prices don't correlate to the misused supply and demand meme:

As for the OPs mention, I find it laughable but there's always a sucker.

All the best,
although some greed-crazed dorks were listing the sbt on ebay for as much as $1850(!), actual sales ranged from $320 (used) to $450 (new), which seems relatively sane. it's a free market, i know, but it offends me nonetheless when sellers egregiously overprice their gear--sorta takes the fun out of the process.
Damn profiteers selling their Sansui TU-X1's and Kenwood L-02T's above their original retail prices!
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