I think old processors are the bargins of the high end world. They never hold there value regardless of quality. If I was just starting out I would get a high end processor and use it as a pre amp. The equvalant stand alone pre amp is usualy much more and this way you get a processor on top of it.
I have been eyeing the ssp 50 for some time. I dont have first hand experience with this but I dont think either are upgradeble but at these prices and quality who cares. I have heard the Classe is a lot more analog sounding then the lexicon but I have heard Lexicon processors and they have their own qualities.
I have been eyeing the ssp 50 for some time. I dont have first hand experience with this but I dont think either are upgradeble but at these prices and quality who cares. I have heard the Classe is a lot more analog sounding then the lexicon but I have heard Lexicon processors and they have their own qualities.