The return of the DIYer

I’ve been thinking about several trends and forces that are affecting our hobby and how this will change things.

The global pandemic and supply issues, unemployment and how disposable income has dwindled in the middle class over the last 30-40 years. The brick and mortar showroom is vanishing, and audio shows have become scarce. About the only aspect of the audio industry which has not dwindled or hurt as much are bloggers/review sites and DIY suppliers.

Our hobby grew up out of tinkerers and experimenters, and then seemed to have been subsumed by the all powerful consumer. The arm chair speaker or amplifier designer who could talk tech without every doing a bit of math or soldering became what we call a "true audiophile" so long as they regularly bought and sold gear.

Now though, perhaps the tables are turning. The lack of funds in many an audiophile’s pocket, lack of ability to go listen for yourself, I’d like to believe the age of the mega speaker holding the cover of audio magazines is over. I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing most mega-speakers vanish, being rarely more than excess without commensurate capabilities. Tweaked sounds, and fashionable trends in frequency alterations dominated the press and showrooms.

Is that all over? And if it is over, are we ready to return to our roots as makers instead of buyers, or are we in a temporary malaise? Nothing more than a flu from which we will bounce back? Or is the DIY er himself to vanish as well with the hobby?
In 2001-2003, my friend and I traveled several times a week throughout Israel to the apartments of the audiophiles. At that time, I was looking for an amplifier instead of my Plinius 8200, the sound of which did not suit me then. Then I had Spendor 2/3 speakers.

1. I then came across an amplifier from the 50s MacIntosh MC30. I was shocked how much better, more natural, more musical it was than my not cheap Plinius 8200.
2. Once, we ended up in a house where there was a homemade system with Lowther speakers with large front horns Oris 150 and 2a3 amplifiers. The sound that we heard shocked us. Everything that we have heard before could not be compared. We were like medieval knights who suddenly saw a modern army with tanks and aircraft.
3. After some time, I bought a Lenco L78 turntable for a penny. I put it on a heavy birch plywood plinth and fitted a vintage SME 3009 tonearm. I was surprised how much more accurate this turntable sounded in reproducing the rhythm of the music, how much better and more elaborate the bass and more natural tone of the piano compared to the much more expensive Nottingham Spacedeck which I had it then.

Since then, I realized that it was a fiction that the audio industry progress and what a solution for me is vintage audio and DIY audio.
Wow,  @Lanx0003 I never thought I'd read such an anti-DIY diatribe on here like that one.   I could ignore it, but there's things here to unpack, going from easiest to hardest:
Intellectual Theft
  Those projects are just replication of the existing design that the company has fabricated or copied from the manufacturer...
Imagine how cloning Wilson Audio speakers of worth more than 20k, 30k and above possibly damages company's business.

Almost all of the kits I've seen from Madisound, Troels Gravesen, Parts Express, Meniscus are unique. In some form factors it's really hard not to end up with the same tweeter and woofer as someone else because they are natural partners from the same vendor.  That doesn't mean the electro-acoustical design was copied.  This is especially true in 2 way systems.

Yeah, all those fake Wilson speakers out there really cut into their business .... << giggles hysterically >> because "I was about to spend $30k on a speaker, but hey, I cloned it instead, and whew, the rest I'm spending on women and booze"... is not a real thing.

The DIYers do not really design anything. That is not a hobby but "killing time" only.

C'mon guy, you are seriously going to try to redefine "hobby?"  Merriam Webster says you are taking liberties with the language, the definition is very simple and very broad:

a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

DIYers in any field have a variety of skill levels and are attracted by more than 1 type of work. I welcome them all.  I used to make furniture.  By the time I wanted to make my own speakers I lost my woodshop so I had the cabinets made by Lee Tyler.  So am I not a DIYer now??

I am not sure what kind of fullfilment or satisfaction they got out of it.

So, based on this, I should say that fishing is not a hobby, because I sure as hell can't tell what kind of satisfaction a fisher gets when there's a perfectly good supermarket 10 miles away.

Mostly what I'm reading is someone frightened that people will build speakers instead of buy them at the store. Sorry that scares you.
Lastly, the DIY speaker field, which is the only one you focused on, is wide open and better than ever.  For about $300 you can have a complete measurement setup, and if you are willing and able to spend the time on the math and science anyone could become a speaker maker.   I'm one of those, but I'm happy to welcome people getting a start buy buying off-the-shelf kits too.   Truth is a lot of DIYers start with kits, or start modding commercial speakers and then learn the rest.  Same can be said with DIY amp and preamps and even DACs. 

Good for them.
DIY are starting to be heard, check out newly proposed 'National Right To Repair' bill. Proprietary rights are being taken to extremes by many corporations, they don't even want you to have the ability to open up their product. More vertical integration, trying to control profit generation for life of product.
Yes, manufacturers do have property rights, they have the right to prove property theft to the courts. But we're talking about diy hobbyists here, assume we're not trying to market the equipment we've modified. I don't see audiogon or even the diy forums as platform for property theft for enriching oneself.

I suspect some of these manufacturers would like to seal their equipment with tracking devices that directly report tampering to internal police force. Well, ok, give me lifetime full warranty coverage at no charge.
Reverse engineering has been going on since the beginning of more complex innovation, property rights last for limited time. This is how knowledge is dispersed and further innovation promoted.
I would venture to say DIY is alive and well in this hobby and may be gaining momentum. For me it's about self-reliance and extends beyond just updating and modifying electronics. 
I hope the Right to Repair takes hold, although I'm personally not that interested in schematics of boards with hundreds of surface mount components, I do hope there are those that are and can save them from the landfills.
If you are a DIYer - great.  My not being a DIYer doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the music.  In the end, I want to hear music from my system - not work on my system. 

My time is important to me and I'd rather pay for an outcome (listening pleasure) than buy and experience (pride in creating something with my hands) when it comes to my audition equipment.