The Smiths. The Stone Roses. James.

Do many Agoners listen to any of the above? I am actually rether surprised to see that not one of them has really ever been mentioned. But, then again, I've not checked the archives. These three really are some of my favorite, great music, great lyrics (although carefull with some of The Smiths lyrics- they are often depressing-humouress-sarcastic-dark yet so darn real all at once.)

A great introduction to all three is as follows:

The Smiths- "The Smiths,...Best I" "The Smiths,...Best II"

James- "James, Seven" "James, Laid"

The Stone Roses- "The Stone Roses, The complete Stone Roses"

Yes, the recommended c.d.'s from The Smiths and The Stone Roses are 'best of,' but they really are excellent.

If you are a fan of Radiohead then you probably already know what I am talking about.
I heard a rumor today on a local radio station that the Smith's might re-unite.
I just recently watched a live dvd of the original Stone Roses line-up...and I had to ask this the same band that recorded that remarkable debut? I heard stories that Ian Brown was flat live...and yes...I can confirm this and more...he cant sing! It is truly painful...however he(or whoever is singing) on the debut sounds pretty for Brit bands of this era here are 2 more:

The Wedding Present
Pales Saints...

OK I recognize this thread is ancient but can't help myself, as much has changed since the original writing of this.  

Yesterday I went to my dealer and ended up looking at a streamer from a company called "HiFi Rose" and when I searched Rose on here this thread came up.  😀

James is far and away one of my favorite acts 1) to see live and 2) with regard to recording quality that are out there.  They reformed in 2008 and had quite the renaissance since.  Their records from 2008-2014 were as good as anything they had ever done.  Check out the songs "I want to go home" or "Rabbit Hole" if you're not sure.  If you are new to James but want an absolute banger of a pub sing along song check out "We're going to miss you".  

Another Manchester band I've only recently discovered is the Chameleons.  check out the track "Swamp Thing" if you've never heard it.  Worth the time.  


As somebody very much into post-punk, Britpop, etc, I am very familiar with these bands and definitely enjoy this kind of music. I don't know what they have in common with Radiohead, though, as the OP suggested, except that they're British....