The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.
After all that, those who attacked keep on deleting, creating their own narrative. A sorry bunch, indeed. Anyone who cared to lecture me have anything to say about what just happened?

Thought not. 

All the best,

Jeff Bezos.
The guy who approved of mail in voting for the US general election, but was fiercely against it for the voting of unionization of his plant in Georgia.
Why? well he said mail in voting invites fraud.

Interesting guy this Jeff Bezos
Thanks , I’ll have to check out your Jazz selections. I went to the origins of rock next . I listened to everything on the Aligator label . I grew up playing piano and enjoyed King Crimson and ELP . I really enjoyed John Lord in Deep Purple . My brother also grew up with classic rock playing guitar and drums . He gravitated towards drummers like Gene Krupa . So I get an ear full of his stuff . I had Coffee a few years back with the gentleman who founded Sound Stage , he was a tunnel rat in Vietnam. He shared a bunch of his experiences from SF in the 60’s , it was great . He told me music saved his life by keeping him grounded and restoring his sanity . That’s what music does for me . BTW I went to a high school in Fresno that was rough like yours . Those WW II people were the best America ever had .
Going back over this thread brought up some real chuckles.

It was when rereading it that I noticed the term, Nazi, that I used and am surprised to have missed being called out for using it.
Allow me to clarify.
Any biker who has swastikas tattooed on his chest and accompanying SS tattoos on his neck qualifies as a Nazi, in my book.

As for the music, I completely forgot about Deep Purple. Even my old fashioned mom from the farm liked their music. I also knew a guy back in my strip club days who was a tunnel rat and like your friend, he could get pretty far out there. I don't know of anyone who'd go through something like that and not be adversely affected.

As for European jazz, the ones I like the most are Paris Combo (French), Quadro Nuevo (German) and various other acoustic artists (mostly French). I don't know what it is about French cafe music, but I find it so immersing even though I don't have a clue as to what they're singing.

And yes, those WWII vets are the best America has ever had. My dad got two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for his work as a SeaBee. They went in before anyone, save for the landing party, and cleared the jungles, laid the airstrips, fought hand to hand, and kept on working as the bombers did their runs on them.

All the best,