The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings

To my mind, this practice is fraught with dishonesty.

The most obvious issue is:
- with digital pitch correction software applied to it, a vocal recording presented to the listener is done so under the pretense that it presents the human voice singing, when in fact any number of moments therein are the result of a program shoehorning the human-produced tones into a “perfect” tone” (whether it may be a Bb, C, F#, Db, or whatever), thereby negating the human expression and negating the validity of the pretense.
Much like a photo portrait of a human body post-airbrushing ceases to be a “true” presentation of that body, the viewer is not being presented with a faithful representation of that human form.

The next issue is:
- rampant apologia within the industry.
I’ve even heard an industry insider say, “pitch manipulation software does nothing we couldn’t do in the ‘70s and ‘80s. It just lets us do it for a lot less money.”
That’s a cute thing to say, but incorrect.
The finished vocal recording that was changed by the implementation of pitch correction software is, by definition, different from the finished vocal recording featuring none.

I am welcoming the thoughts of Audiogon members regarding this practice.


I don't think it's a good development.  it's another step on the road to completely synthetic music.  Who needs artists?  They're such a pain in the butt.

@fuzztone my use of the term, “presented with (blank)…” is just a way to say,  “a person listening to something.”  
The product itself (in this case, a vocal recording) is what is “presented.” 

I used to experiment with pitch shift/harmonization when I spent time playing guitar (years ago). Lexicon and Eventide made amazing studio rack mounts that enabled one to be very creative. 
I’ve never been crazy about with vocals though- a legitimate vocalist shouldn’t have to rely on this to fill the gap. I also can’t stand these “tunes” that come out were the process is used in the form of a vocal effect. Pretty much sucks!

When I'm listening to music I only care about whether it's enjoyable. How does it sound? Don't really care about why it sounds that way.