The wall behind me.


In my listning room wich is 420 cm * 380 cm.
I have a sofa on/against the wide side where my listning possition is.

On the opposit wide wall my sonus faber cremonas are placed.

Now the wall behind me is not covered by enything yet so its bare.

I have tried to hang a carpet there with audible improvments.

Now my qustina is when I look for acoustic panels for the wall behind me should I look for abersoberation og difussion panels or a mix of both ?


I have posted the same qustian on a danish hifi forum and the advices i get are so contradictiv.

Actually there are so many different oppinions on the subject that its useless asking.

What i do know is that when i have that carpet behind me hanging 1 cm from the wall(around 35 cm from my head) i get a more relaxed and more open sound emerging around me

Maybe the carpet is all i need?
The sound should not be bouncing off the back wall if your seat is there as the interference between the direct sound and the reflected sound will be severe in the midrange, depending on how close you are to the wall. While I do not recommend completely dead rear walls in general, in the specific case where you are within 2 feet of that wall, I do.
Sorry about the input/opinion. I had my mind on ht rather than music listening. Too much sound reflecting from rear wall would indeed not be good for dedicated music listening room. Experiment w/ panels, wall coverings, seating position. You will find a nice compromise w/ enough experimenting.
Thanks guys

I think i have enourgh info to start the experimentation for now.
