...I think the phrase mentioned is a 'fall back' taught in Reviewers' Skool:
"If all else is 'meh', use Stock Comment #2C in your handbook."
After all the equipment of various types over X years, things have just Got To start to 'blur' into each other....
Editor needs 1~1.5K words about Item #483 by midnight, or they run with the stock "RIP, Fred 'retired' infill piece' to CYA the mag....
"This was an amazing amp....(...amazing that I was able to stay awake during listening..) that, despite it's shortcomings...(...willingness to put your privates into The Vice...but gives' one 'the out'....)...exhibits a velvety black background."
(...because I had to be woke up after the first hour by the cleaning staff....).
Reading between the lines is so much more....'entertaining'. Write Nice, or the client will pull their ad contract, and mgmt. will jump up yer tush and begin to speak for you...esp. with the aforementioned 'RIP/Ret.' piece....
That, and mags are assembled months ahead of the cover date....so the Big Fear is to review well an item that the competition mag just called "eh, meh'....
Mho, the reviewers have to be bending elbows at the same watering hole...if only to keep from stomping on each others' printed insteps'
*taptaptappitytap....* hmmm...."Cortana, have I used the previous phrase before?"
>Yes, you've used the exact wording 251 times. 463 variations, 1,974 referrals to that phrase or it's varia<
"...hmm, thanks..." *damn...*...
If you can't say something nice, say nothing.
Except where print, and the distribution of, comes into play.
Then Nothing
Is Death.