The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
I thought the wilsons were setup wrong myself, but the dealer told me dave wilson came and personnaly set them up himself--and if the designer can't setup his own speakers right then he probably can't design them right either. Regardless it makes no sense to me why a dealer would display and drive thier $70k speakers with inferior gear (incidentally they were running off an SS audio research amp/MIT cables/and Theta gear upstream)--but I thought the whole point of selling the product in an audition was to set it up properly so people can actually hear what its capable of. I think the dealers are more to blame than some of us posting (assuming these products are better than we heard). All in all, I don't think its tough to ouperform a Wilson though. After the x-1 was "product of the year" in '95 with stereophile, in next months issue the reviewer auditioned the JMlabs Grande Utopia against the wilson and stated he liked the Utopia more--one month and the $70k speaker is obseleted by a better looking and sounding speaker at $5k less in thier own pages--all from the golden eared reviewers. The TAD model 1 at $40k would outperform the x-1 and the Maxx.
It always amazes me at how good Wilson speakers sound to me but how harsh they are to other audiogoners. The few times I have heard them they were set up in a relatively small room(16x20) with the richest bass and midrange. The treble was rolled off but still sounded very good. The models were the Witts,6's and Sophia's. It must be the room and component matching.
"At least Gore can pronounce 'nuclear'."??? Anyone else see the video of Al looking at busts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (in Jefferson's house no less) and asking, "Now, who are these people?"? How 'bout Al speechifying across the country saying "You can't get a zebra to change it's spots"? And don't forget his claim that mommy and daddy sang the "Union Label" song to him when lil' Al was still in a crib. That song was written when Gore was 27 years old! Kind of like Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary because he conquered Mt Everest. She said her mother wanted Hillary to have a name that would inspire her to great heights. I actually saw this interview. By the way, Sir Ed first climbed Mt E. when Clinton was 4 1/2 yrs old. I guess mom just called her "Hey, You!" until then.

Anway, worst speaker (unlistenable, had to make an excuse to get out of the store) was 1998 or 1999 vintage Wisdom Audio driven by Edge electronics. Embarassingly thin, edgy, and lean. This was the two tall columns with two subwoofers.