I have had a lot of equipment go through my posession in the last five years, but the one piece that has lasted is my Thiel CS6 speakers. My second favorite is the Krell FPB300c that drives them! Looking towards a Spectral front end this year. Kodos to the Audio Research Ref II that I had to trade out of earlier this year. Go for the CS6's and dont look back......as always.....Good luck! Vader
Thiel 6 versus Thiel 7
I have been auditioning a pair of Thiel 6s and was wondering if the 7s are worth the extra 2-3K used. I don't have the luxury of auditioning them where I live. Speakers are the first component I am looking for in an entire system upgrade, so no other components to consider at this point. (They will probably be driven by a Krell FPB 200c or 300c)
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