Thiel CS 3.6 amplifier selection Monarchy SM 70?

Hello, I have seen a number of threads here dealing with the Thiel CS 3.6 speakers and how they require specific, high powered solid state amplification to sound decent. I know this and am now shopping for a single power amp or set of two mono SS power amps in the 1000-2000$ price level.

Currently I am intrigued with the idea of getting a "Made in USA" amp from a reputable company. I am about to call Odyssey about their Stratos stereo amp with the upgrades. I like that it has a 20 year warranty and that the company is located in Indianapolis - close enough to my Dayton Ohio home that I could drive over there if I needed to.

But then I started looking at the Monarchy SM 70 Pro (new edition) on the Monarchy Audio website. I like the look
Having owned thiels, I gotta agree with Unsound on this one. I too have run tubes into the Thiels via low ohm taps (4 to be precise, while not quite 3). At more than twice the power Kenny references, it was clear to me that the power available was not enough to drive the Thiels properly. I could get good volume no doubt, but the performance was not the same - no offense intended.

I think you are moving in a better direction with the Odyssey's, FWIW. Since it sounds like you may also consider used, your list can be opened up quite a bit. Why not call Jim or the new, knowledgeable lady over at Thiel (I forget her name, but she is pretty helpful). They can help point you in a good direction, just let them know your budget and goals.
Ckoffend, regretfully Jim is no longer with us. Shari left the firm a few years ago.
Masi61, I don't think the Monarchy SM70 is up to properly driving the 3.6's.
I agree with Unsound, I have driven 3.6 with classe 200 and Mcintosh 501's and the extra power really made them sing.
Unsound, thanks for that follow up. I was not aware that Jim is "no longer with us". I can't believe Shari has been gone a few years (I mean I believe you, but it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I actually talked to her on the phone - once). Maybe in my age my memory is failing me already, but I'll still vote for Reagan for a second term ;)