Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Astound indeed! oblgny

Very sweet pic of the B.A.T. in your Virtual Systems profile.

What kind of base/block is it resting?  Also, good to read that B.A.T. and Transparent cabling are sonic matches.  This is important for future upgrades via Transparent  w/o switching brands (unless you wish to do so). I like those 70's Joni Mitchell discs, well recorded.

Happy Listening!

Jaco could certainly Rock a fretless bass -Jon.

Reading over this thread, I cited, Pearl Jam "Ten" as a 90's reference because it is very well recorded for that period. Jeff Ament uses a fretless Bass on many of those numbers. The instrument really struck me upon my first Thiel demo with CS 2.4 speakers in a special light.

Happy Listening!

Thank You Robinbarbour
I knew I should test that to see if the pop moves to the other speaker,
but moving the 56 lbs off the shelf was a last choice, I thought I'd ask others first.

You want to hear Bass !
Try Sandy Denny's 3:10 to Yuma    or
David Crosby's Cowboy Movie.

do you sit that close with both sets ( are you moving them in and out
of position ? if so my back hurts thinking about it ) ,
how much do you angle inwards ?
I have just about the perfect 8 foot triangle ( hard to be perfect with sloped speakers ) with about a 10 degree angle inwards .


Yes, about that close to either the 3.7 or 2.7.  I tend to listen to one pair for a couple weeks, then swap them for the other pair.

Angling varies depending on how wide I've placed them or if I desire more lively sound.  I only ever use the tiniest angling in when I do, but usually no angle - facing straight ahead.  I still get excellent center-fill, even from the wide spacing and not angled in. 

That's a block of maple I had left over from when my previous Salamander rack was about a foot lower. I purchased the block here on the site, they come up from time to time and they're well made - somewhere in the $100 range if I ain't mistaken. I think I still have another block somewhere in the house.  

That Salamander rack in the photo cost me $150. Just before Stereo Exchange in NYC vacated their long time location they were selling off everything, even stuff that was nailed down. (They are still searching for a new location at the moment.)  Dave will email me when they re-open.  (The REL sub I mentioned in an earlier post was bought from their eBay site which is up and running.) I picked it up at his apartment. Sheesh. 

Even though the Salamander rack isn't "gear" per sè, it has to represent one of the best purchases I've invested - that's easily a $1500 piece o' furniture.  Nary a scratch on it. While not in the photos, there are two other Salamander cabinets in the room which hold my manuals, tools, cables, etc., all of the other associated flotsam and jetsam that we accrue in the hobby. 

At 107 pounds apiece them 3.6's aren't about to be fiddled with much. It was fun unpacking them.  Not!  The boys at Saturday Audio made sure they'd arrive in good shape. Hell, they could have been dragged to my house with no worse the wear. 

Last night we was bbq'ing at my gf's house, listening to a Motown playlist on my Peachtree Audio Deepblue2 in the back yard.  (iPod through its aux jack, the Bluetooth option stinks.) I also set the bass level at its lowest position - this thing doesn't need it. 

"Ball Of Confusion" by the Temptations came on and everybody just stopped. Man, what a busy little tune. Top 40 radio in 1970. So difficult to imagine now what commercial radio was back then. It's just an amazing piece of music for any time.  It's the first thing I'm throwing at my Thiels later this afternoon when I get home. If it sounded so damn good on a portable speaker it out to be glorious through the 3.6's.