Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Good question prof,

I don’t think the 3.7’s made as big an impact in the marketplace as it could have:

IMHO one reason is because of the untimely selling, then disolving of the business that hurt the franchise and kept it from growing outside of current devotees so soon after the 3.7’s were finally introduced.

Also pricing. I deperately tried to justify buying the 3.7’s since I had been a long time user of 3.6’s and waited impatiently, excited for them to come out. I listened extensively at 2 retailers with different systems and cables. I could not hear a big enough difference over the 3.6 to justify spending 12K. Thiel’s pricing strategy had always been more value until then.

And finally, tagging the 3.7 as the new flagship also signaled a new direction for the business. That was a strategy that turned me off a bit. As a long time user I would have invested in a new flagship under the 7 series or perhaps an 8 or 9 series. It signaled a downsizing to me.

Those are the reasons I do not have a 3.7 but instead have the 3.6 and CS6.
Folks, prof, I would look carefully at those Thiels listed. I think the reason they have been on the market for so long is their condition. I do not think the seller is being straight forward about it. Look carefully and zoom, it appears there is damage to the passive radiators and if he is not being honest about that, I wonder what else is wrong with them.
Wow, those radiators are definitely beat up and one looks like the surround is probably not connected at all on one side.  Not surprised nobody wants these. 
I just noticed those radiators too.  I suppose someone actually looking to buy would have looked with a keener eye than I did, in passing.