Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


Your ears did not deceive - it is very close comparing the CS 2.7 to CS 3.7 models.  Room size is the contributing factor I found.

Happy Listening!

Andy, yes my "Contemplating Devore speakers" thread.  I just added another speaker audition to it: Spendor D7s.

The Spendors just didn't sound as natural as my 2.7s.  The 2.7s seemed to beat them in just about every parameter.


Your taste seems a bit discriminating. Some of the on-line reviews of the D7 have been pretty positive.

Here’s a sample of one reivew:

  • Massively detailed
  • Exceptional dynamics
  • Precise and articulate presentation
  • Cohesive sound
  • Deliver a huge sound for their size
  • Unfussy nature

It seems like the 3.7s have spoiled you like a secretary being spoiled
by rich parents :-)

Yes I’ve been spoiled by the Thiels. Both by my current 2.7s and by my experience with the 3.7s. The 3.7 in particular seems to me an end-game speaker that will compete with the best for many years to come.

While I love checking out high end systems of any type, it’s the rare system that totally grabs me with a tone that makes my brain think "yes, there’s something beautiful it’s capturing there!" That’s necessary for me to get along with a speaker for any length of time, but most systems sound a tad tonally "off" to me.   (I'm not saying I'm a special listener, only that I have a strong subjective reaction to tone and timbre, and it's hard for me to want to bother with long listening sessions unless my brain says "this sounds right" in some important way....many others find this too of course).

And this doesn’t mean that there is one single sound I’m looking for. I can find a seductive tone in a "modern sounding" speaker, or an older British design, or anything in between. Never know where it’s going to show up. That’s why I own a bunch of different speakers.

But man, coming home from the Spendors, the Thiels were like an oasis of everything I like - rich, smooth, organic, palpable, punchy, dynamic, naturally detailed sounding. Wow!

(And as I often point out, the Spendors were hooked up to all the fixings - expensive Nordost cabling, you name it, and there was nothing I heard in that sound that wasn’t evident and better in my own set up, without those boutique add-ons. In fact I had an audiophile drop over to listen to my system today and he was taken by the sound. He asked about my cabling and I told him it was standard Belden 10awg etc, and he was like "Wow, your system sure isn’t lacking in detail and amazing sound quality. Sounds like your cables are up to the task." Which is why my money goes in to speakers, where the money shows up strongest in the sound).

He asked about my cabling and I told him it was standard Belden 10awg etc, and he was like "Wow, your system sure isn’t lacking in detail and amazing sound quality. Sounds like your cables are up to the task."

You don't know what's you're missing :-)