Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Resistor upgrades have been discussed and revealed on these pages for years. The greatest upgrade for me over 20 years ago was to replace all the resistors in my speakers with Vishay resistor bridges. This portion of the upgrade was larger than the cap and inductor upgrade..only thing of equal was to seal the interior of the cabinet with Cascade Vbloc..a cement like product that is drawn into the pores of the wood seals the wood and greatly reduces energy storage of the cabinet.also strengthens the corner joints that are the weakest. A speaker cabinet itself is a passive radiator..not only do the drivers  move and play but also the cabinet.

Poor quality speaker resistors become part of the feedback loop of the amplifier and become part of the signal. Upgrade the resistors.


No. I scored a sweet offer for an AX-5 in stock form. This is a very good thing, as I will send the amp back to AYRE, and enjoy a 2021 upgrade.
Any new gear headed your direction this year? 

Happy Listening!

I think I've brought this up before but...
One of the differences I heard between my 3.7 and 2.7s was a finer, more subtle sense of detail on the 3.7s and the 3.7s "disappeared" a bit better.So even if an instrument or voice was panned hard right to the speaker location, the voice would float around the speaker.  Whereas the 2.7s have a teeny bit more problem getting the sound "out" of the speaker in the same situations.

Apparently the baffle of the 3.7 was metal (aluminum?) where there was a bit of cost-cutting in the 2.7 so it was a less stiff material (wood? MDF?).    I presume that could be responsible for the observation.

It makes me wonder about a tweak for the 2.7s of re-enforcing the baffle from behind within the cabinet, say with metal or something that makes it comparable to the 3.7's baffle.

Is that something Rob could pull off?  I have no idea how difficult that would be.