Thiel owners please chime in.

Just switched from 4 ohm to 8 ohm with my 2.7s and it's like WOW wouldn't have thunk it.  They aren't the most efficient speakers obviously but my BAT VK55 sounds so much better now.  What has everyone elses experience been? 
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
You might want to take your thoughts to the very extensive Thiel owners thread.

BTW, do you mean you switched to the 8 ohm out on your amp and you prefer the sound with the Thiels?  That seems very surprising to me. The Thiels impedence tends to travel well below 8 ohms, and I'd think a lower ohm tap would work better.   What difference did you hear in the sound, specifically?

I have the Thiel 2.7s too, btw.  Driven by Conrad Johnson Premier 12 tube amps.
Hi Prof....yes I switched from 4 to 8 ohm taps. Have not owned the 2.7 too long (approx 6-7 weeks) so trying to get more familiar with them but yes they are tougher to drive.  The 4 ohm made sense but I like to experiment so tried the 8 ohm tap.  The 8 ohm sounds more relaxed, focused and overall smoother.  I can't speak for long term listening yet but I was surprised I could hear quite a bit of difference.  Not sure of the longer term results but I was curious what other owners have experienced.  

Nice amps you have by the way.  I'm sure they are very sweet with the Thiels. I'm surprised by the power of my VK55. I've always loved the sound of it. Very 3D like and has good drive and focus for a 55 watt tube amp. The bass is quite good also.  Very robust.  
Interesting sam, I have tried my 2 ohm tap versus 4 ohm and prefer the 4 ohm on my Thiel CS6 and 3.6.  I have never tried the 8 ohm tap but will give it shot and let you know.
Your mileage may vary but doesn't hurt to try. Yes please report back. I'll chime in more after extended listening.