Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...."

the Muse was about $10k new years ago, I paid $650 for it on Audiogon

What CD player can I buy that will hold its value and not be near worthless in anything more than a few years?

New or used.

Okay, but a quick search would seem to show those are current production. ie, new. As in, not old.

It would appear there are no CD players that after more than a few years do anything but plummet to near worthlessness. Okay. Will have to do for now, I guess.

But still, hard to believe. I mean, even an old wind up watch, the lowliest Timex from the 1960's, even that is gonna be worth more than new today. Long as its not all beat up. Or Chrysler K-car. Hard to think of a bigger piece of junk than the Chrysler K-car. Yet they sell today for more than new. I actually won an on-line debate one time saying every car ever made, will begin appreciating in value at about 15-20 years, provided only its kept in good running condition. I won when the one car everyone thought would prove me wrong was found on-line selling for more than new- a Chrylser K-car.

Still, hard to believe. I mean, a whole industry, huge market segment, millions of ardent enthusiastic owners, all for something turns out to be worthless compared even to a Chrysler K-car?

Your logic is so asinine as to be laughable. Remind me which CRT TVs have stood the test of time? Laser disk players? Any computer from the 1990s? Any number of the millions of things that people thought would be collectible and aren’t. I mean, you’re making such a ridiculous claim that I kind of think it’s simply to troll. Very little of what was once new retains its value. Especially in less than 100 years. Technology moves forward and some people don’t. My grandfather still has a flip phone. Not sure that 10 year old flip phone is going to raise in value at any point until archeologists 1000 years from now dig it up from our garbage heaps. 
As for cars that are 20 years old that are worth less than original sale price, again I assume this is a joke. Obviously just about every car is. But just to prove your idiocy, I don’t know, maybe the 1990 Mercedes 430SEL. New was around 70k. Today around 20. 
I’m a big fan of older rega CD players. The Saturn or Jupiter are built real well, look real cool and sound very good. I dig my Saturn and will never give it up. I run it through my tube dac toslink input and couldn’t be happier. You can get a used Saturn for a decent price and resell for probably 75% of what you paid for it. The millennials dig them a lot. 
Saturns suck.  You should have drove it through a brick wall instead of your tube dac.  And millennials buy beats headphones to stream free pandora...