Think fast: What would you take?

I live in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Pandemics, riots, rain, no rain, economic turmoil, comets...
Now we have devastating fires. 
One of my audio buddies is waiting in an evacuation center, awaiting the horrible news that he's lost his home. A couple others are at level 2 ready to abandon their homes. These guys are the best audiophile guys you could ever hope to have around. You probably know them.
With light rain in the forecast (Monday), I feel fairly safe.
But, I have collected one small suit case, just in case. My car will be loaded with camping gear. A photo album. Maybe a friend or 2.
Of the items in my listening room, I know I can't take any equipment. Maybe a couple Lps? No, I could replace those. 
So, I ask you: What would you take?
Hopefully, you'll never be in such a situation.
You are so far out to lunch on my political leaning it is not even funny.

I WAS a staunch Republican. Note was.

The present incumbent that is wasting time and space in the White House and his gang of cronies have absolutely NOTHING to do with Republican policy or path any longer.

My main political aim right now is to rid this country of the cancer that has struck at its core with the initials of DT.

And for all the so called Republican members who have sold their souls to hang on his shirt tails and abandon their beliefs, well November 3rd will be the day of reckoning.
A shame we will have to endure at least 4 years of Biden/Harris but well worth it to be rid of that inept meat puppet.

They had their chance in February to make amends but no they just gave him a free pass to do whatever he likes.

Time is up.
"As for the bomb proof hood, it was a locking mechanism that made it impossible for anyone to install a bomb to the motor from above, with the hood open."

The plot thickens.
So many good people in our audio community. Thank you for your encouragement and excellent ideas.
 As I stated earlier, one dear friend lost everything . 2 others are at level 2. Local news says Portland has the worst air quality in the world ( they like drama). It certainly looks that way.
 Funny note- I was at a friends house yesterday helping him with audiophile issues and my neighbor called to tattle -tale on my wife."She's outside in the yard with no mask, this smoke is bad for her lungs!" It's nice to have such neighbors. 
 Luckily, the winds have died down. Forecast is for some rain on Monday and Tuesday.
 Some folks suffer earthquakes, floods, hurricanes... We are all in this together.
 Enjoy a good tune for me and Imagine.
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