Thinking of Kef Blade 2 to replace Revel Salon 2

Is this just a sideways move or an upgrade?  I am leaning partly just for looks.  The Salon 2 is nice and pretty unflappable maybe a little on the ruthless revealing side.  I don't really have the ability to go hear these before I buy and really every dealer audition Ive had has left a very bad taste in my mouth for it.  I like the idea of a speaker that sounds good all around the room not just in the sweet spot as I tend to not listen as much that way. I would hope to not give up to much bass to the Salon 2 with the Blade 2.  
I agree with you on the sound of the Rowland being a bit on the warm side of neutral, almost never heard Rowland sound forward although it is possible with the Chord Dave which is a slightly forward hyper detailed piece.

Overall with the Rowland gear and the Monitors I would think the system might sound a bit sleepy.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
@ricred1 Your room is big enough for the Blade 1. I have heard this speaker in a room as big as yours and it just blows my socks off. I have not heard the Blade 2 yet.

@audiotroy I know you love the T+A. How does it sound at low volume? Does it need to be turned up for best performance?
@yyzsantabarbara Realize you asked audiotroy the question, but I happen to be listening to Patricia Barber’s Mythologies as I read your post. Did a quick check and the sound meter reads 30/69/86 (min/ave/peak) on the first track: ’The Moon.’ The fourth track 'Hunger' registers 29/70/84. Values are at the listening position, minimums are lowest within the track (not the start).

Your definition of ’low volume’ may vary from mine...I’m playing the track at what I consider ’moderate’ volume on my T+A PA 3100 HV. Hope that's helpful.
Thanks for the information. I love the way the Blade 2 sounds; however I'm not going to sell my current speakers for Blade 2s or Blades. I'm at a point that I can listen to other systems for enjoyment and acknowledge it sounds very good, but not want to purchase something. I listened to the same songs that were played on the Blade 2s when I got home. I know the strengths and weaknesses of my PL500s. I've tried to put a system together that I enjoy and unless I hear something(not read) that I feel totally destroys what I have within the price range that reasonable to me, I'll continue to live with my current speakers/system. Besides, even if I totally loved the Blades I think I would have to sell my current amplifier to drive them. I'm definitely not willing to go down that rabbit hole.
It may not be a fair way to judge T+A, but I've heard it with Magico A3s at the LoneStar Audio Fest. A week or so later I heard the A3s with Rowland components. My wife and I thought we were hearing two different speakers. Through the Rowland the A3s were detailed, open, and disappeared. Many people that attended LoneStar stated that the A3s were lifeless. It could have been the different rooms, the source, cables,or T+A isn't a good match with the A3s? No absolutes in audio, only preferences!
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