Thinking of rcprince who works in Manhattan

Please tell us, that you are well. Älso hoping, that all of you and your loved ones are safe and sound. Our prayers are with you. God bless you all and your great country.
RC, I am glad to hear that we still have one of members alive and safe. I am just at awed with what I saw on TV yesterday and I can't even imagine what it was like being near the scene of this tragic event. I am up to my neck with mixed emotions; sadness, a sense of loss, violated, and most of all extremely angry at this senseless act against so many innocent people. Pictures of people falling out of the sky just breaks my heart. I can't even fathom what it was like for them to resort to jumping off a 110 story building. They must have saw something so horrific that they felt that they had a better chance of surviving the jump, or just taking their own lives, rather than endour the gruelsome death by staying where they were at. I get teary eyed everytime I see our American flag hagging all over town (SF Bay Area). We have retaliate with full force when we find out who is responsible. I am prepare to die for our freedom if it meant a nuclear war can be the outcome of this cowardly act. I rather not live in a world which is dictated by Evil. For god sake, we're suppose to be civilized people on this earth. All human race with any soul should stand up against these evil acts.
russ: it's impossible to imagine the horror through which you lived. it makes us all realize, or so i hope, how trivial are our concerns about wire and caps and pots. it's gonna' take awhile before i can get back "on topic," at least insofar as audio is concerned. thank god you're alive. i surely hope we've lost no one in our little community. -kelly
Thank you to all of you for your concern and messages. John_1, I see Rayhall has posted on another thread, so I'm glad to see him well.
Thanks Rcprince, and all and especially John_l to whom I sent a private email. I am well and, like Rcprince, work for a Wall Street financial services firm, so I have been very busy. My office is in Jersey City directly across the Hudson River from the WTC, but our downtown headquarters building is across the street from the WTC and we have other offices in the low-rise buildings of the WTC complex. I was not in my office at the time of the attack, but commuting. As my commute takes me underneath and through the WTC on the way to work, I was about 10 minutes away from Ground Zero when the first plane hit. I am often in the WTC on the way to work, on the way home and at lunchtime. On any given day, the result could have been quite different for me personally. I am feeling very grateful to be alive, that all my immediate family is alive and that to this moment, I know personally of no one is dead.

Thanks to all,

Ray Hall
Russ, Ray & others, it's a relief to see you're here (but what of so many others...). Was away with no Net access when this happened.

How are U faring after witnessing this..? What's going on in NY now? "Getting over" a shock is easy to write about, difficult to do.