thinking of switching from conrad johnson......

trying to decide between pass x250.8 or plinius sb 30, was looking at the cj premier 350 or the McCormack dna 500, but these amps are getting a little long in the tooth.  any suggestion and your experience with these two amps would help.  and what pre amp would work best with them.  since not many preamp companies are left.  and any feedback from whilecamaross is very much welcomed......thanks in advance.
dweller tell me about the herron gear.   had a real long and good conversation with an audiogoner about cary stuff. 
Supremely musical, reasonably priced, manufactured by a true believer.
Seek out reviews on the web. Everyone who hears loves it.
Re: Herron Audio, resale may not be the best but according to a friend of mine, absolutely wonderful gear and a true gentleman to deal with.

Supremely musical, reasonably priced, manufactured by a true believer.
Seek out reviews on the web. Everyone who hears loves it.

yeah sfall, that's my thinking as well.  talked with different companies about a change, (dan, w/modwright, jeff, w/cj, I cant think of her name w/vtl, to name a few.  what do you recommend) decided to get pv 12 mod instead, then switched to amp.  thus my question, do you know anything about the two amps  (pass x250.8 vs plinius sb 301)  let me know.
VAC Phi 300 or two Phi 200s if you can afford it.  I've listened to the 300 extensively.  Great amp all around.  VTL 6.5...good luck finding a better preamp , particularly with a remote.

Plus, Kevin Hayes is great to deal with.