Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive

I was thinking, that all the different wire constructions and purities is pointless if they are tied to a connecter. How can the signal carry the purist signal when it has to be compromised by the mercy of a connecter. Why not make a solid wire out of the connecter and use the bare wire for the connecter? Same end result. I’m not an engineer but it seems to me it would sound the same. Right? The end product is only as good as its weakest link. I’m beginning to think speaker cables are too over rated . I switched out my $1500 cables for some 10 gauge $20 copper wire with bare ends and I will say if there was any difference it was slight. I do know my amp doesn’t clip like it used too. And music is louder and more dynamic. I tried some 12 gauge and couldn’t tell any difference from the 10. And yes all the cable lengths were 8 foot. If you want the purist signal then you would have to take the wire and run it right through the speaker and bypass the terminals. So my question to the electrical educated members here is how can the signal arrive intact if it has to be transmitted through a connecter and then to the speaker terminals. It makes me think speaker wire is not all that important. I’m just saying. I don’t mean to be starting a war here.
This is really quite an old point of contention and to some, going bare ended to the speaker binding post is the way to go.
This link, connector tests, is one way to look (hear) at it.

All the best,
+1 shadorne.  Negative influence of the cable (resistance , inductance, capacitance, dielectric absorption etc.) is proportional to the cable length.  Connector in comparison is just a tiny fraction of that and plays much smaller role.  As for the gold - it is not very good conductor and it is used only to prevent oxidation.

Blueranger, the fact that YOU cannot hear any difference between cables doesn't mean there is no difference.  Your hearing is simply not that good and there is no need to get defensive about it  :)
“Your hearing is simply not that good and there is no need to get defensive about it.”

Whoa! Hey! What? Ban this person! 🤡
Who else here can’t tell little if no difference in high priced speaker cables?
As was brought up before, some of us would not be well served by wiring directly. I have two amps that I swap in and out on a regular basis, so I have two identical sets of 12 gauge solid silver in Teflon tubing, with Furutech locking terminals. The connectors had to be used as speaker terminals don't have holes for bare wire connecting.

The sound? In one word, stunning, to me, and any visitors. Too much emphasis is put on cabling and the hype that goes along with it. Once you get a good sounding system, just forget about cables and enjoy your system and the music.  
