This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.

I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp. Which would you choose? I prefer solid state. Separates or integrated. If you could recommend a few optimum choices that would be great. Based on my short couple years on here you strike me as very knowledgable on the subject. My dealer wants me on Pass Labs. Incidentally right now I have the Devialet 400 and I’m pretty sure you are not a fan of this type of amp. Any of your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Mike

All -

I must digress.

I have been in contact with Audiogon support regarding the removal of my post. Proof of the following response is evidenced by the reappearance of my post dated 01-11-2018 12:30pm. Their response is as follows. 

"I reviewed both of your post and they should not have been removed. Have no idea how and why that happened."

That gives credence to my original assertion as to to why they were initially deleted. Spam. Within the realm of spam, it was detected erroneously and programmatically, without human intervention.

The original post by @onhwy61 can also be restored.

Thank you. 
Khost you are missing the point. The only ones who actually know the merits of their specific special sauce, is the engineers who designed the product in the first place.

In Audio as with anything else that relies on talented people designing products, each company has a specific idea on what makes their products unique and better than their competition.

Take for example Spectral who uses ultra wide bandwidth circuitry, vs Gamut who tends to like amplifiers using a single output device, vs the approach that Dartzeel uses or Solution, or Ayre or Bolder, these are all excellent and different sounding products.

The point is we don’t really care wether of not the designer uses Mosfets, Bipolars, BJT, single output devices, multiple output devices it is immaterial, stop being a gear head and do what most reviewers and dealers do, we listen and compare actual products.

How do we know the T+A gear is special? We test and compare it to whatever products we can test it against.

On our Blade setup we compared the Parasound Halo JC 1, Electrocompaniet AW 400, Chord SPM 1400, Devialet D 400 monos,and then the T+A gear.

On the Polymer Audio Research speakers, tested Thrax, Devialet, Conrad Johnson, and T+A.

On a pair of Genesis we tested T+A vs $120k pair of Krell MRA

We tested T+A vs $90k set of Boulder mono-blocks on a set of Kharmas

and there are more examples of real world testing.

The long story short, is the T+A gear madethe Polymers, the Blades, and Paradigm Personas, sound way better than the other products tested in the same room, with the same speakers, and components.

Again, if you look at the Positive Feedback review of the T+A PA 3100 a $21k integrated vs the Dagastino Momentum integrated a $45k product the reviewer loved the T+A and said it sounds as good as the D’agastino model. Who cares which technology is being used, it is the sound that matters.

Why do we recommend this brand so highly because the gear is really special sounding, and is among the best in the world and if you look at these two reviews TAS and Positive Feedback the gear is being compared to radically more expensive stuff and found to perform at that level of a lot less money, TAS $18k T+A integrated vs $120k CH Precision stack, Positive Feedback $21k T+A vs $45k Momentum.

Why don’t you read the reviews or better yet test this gear for yourself.

At the end it is the sound quality that matters not the specific technology.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ


Give up? 

Dyaudio was!

Michael Manousselis of Dynaudio North America believes that Dynaudio will import T+A's entire line of electronics and loudspeakers. "The first time I was in Germany, in the mid-'90s," he explained by phone, "I was amazed at the breadth of their well-rounded product range. Their engineering capabilities are very impressive, and everything is designed in-house. There are logical explanations for their circuits. They don't leave things to luck or to chance."

Most recently, Manousselis heard T+A's E-series Power Plant, which he described as wonderfully built, great sounding, and a great companion to the company's Mk.II streaming music player. "I wouldn't be able to work with a product that I wouldn't be happy to own, and this is something I wouldn't hesitate to own," he declared.

Both Manousselis and Dynaudio International CEO Wilfried Ehrenholz praise the synergy of T+A electronics and Dynaudio speakers. In addition, some of T+A's lifestyle loudspeakers (eg, the Talis) differ significantly from those in Dynaudio's line.

In summation, Manousselis declared, "T+A produces a very big, powerful, and gripping sound—one typically associated with much larger electronic components—from a very elegant, slimline, European design aesthetic. That's what separates them from a lot of the other electronic offerings out there."

I had wonderful sound on my older model C1s with a Pass X250.5. It was a perfect match.

Now, I would like to hear them with Octave amplification as well who is distributed by Dynaudio NA of course.

Keithr it isn't that the Pass didn't sound good, Musicfx compared a Pass Labs integrated at $12k to a T+A Integrated an 2500R from the less expensive R series integrated amp, for $11k for use with a pair of Wilson Sashas and bought the T+A. because to his ears the T+A sounded better.

We have heard Pass numerous times, it is very musical solid state, it just doesn't have the speed and dimensional quality you get from the T+A gear, it is also way more colored. 

The Octave stuff is excellent if you want tubes

The very fact that Dynaudio was importing the T+A gear and was recommending the two brands says quite a lot.

The two companies parted ways because T+A felt that Dynaudio was more concerened with marketing of their speakers then actively getting T+A off the ground in the US.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ.