In Audio as with anything else that relies on talented people designing products, each company has a specific idea on what makes their products unique and better than their competition.
Take for example Spectral who uses ultra wide bandwidth circuitry, vs Gamut who tends to like amplifiers using a single output device, vs the approach that Dartzeel uses or Solution, or Ayre or Bolder, these are all excellent and different sounding products.
The point is we don’t really care wether of not the designer uses Mosfets, Bipolars, BJT, single output devices, multiple output devices it is immaterial, stop being a gear head and do what most reviewers and dealers do, we listen and compare actual products.
How do we know the T+A gear is special? We test and compare it to whatever products we can test it against.
On our Blade setup we compared the Parasound Halo JC 1, Electrocompaniet AW 400, Chord SPM 1400, Devialet D 400 monos,and then the T+A gear.
On the Polymer Audio Research speakers, tested Thrax, Devialet, Conrad Johnson, and T+A.
On a pair of Genesis we tested T+A vs $120k pair of Krell MRA
We tested T+A vs $90k set of Boulder mono-blocks on a set of Kharmas
and there are more examples of real world testing.
The long story short, is the T+A gear madethe Polymers, the Blades, and Paradigm Personas, sound way better than the other products tested in the same room, with the same speakers, and components.
Again, if you look at the Positive Feedback review of the T+A PA 3100 a $21k integrated vs the Dagastino Momentum integrated a $45k product the reviewer loved the T+A and said it sounds as good as the D’agastino model. Who cares which technology is being used, it is the sound that matters.
Why do we recommend this brand so highly because the gear is really special sounding, and is among the best in the world and if you look at these two reviews TAS and Positive Feedback the gear is being compared to radically more expensive stuff and found to perform at that level of a lot less money, TAS $18k T+A integrated vs $120k CH Precision stack, Positive Feedback $21k T+A vs $45k Momentum.
Why don’t you read the reviews or better yet test this gear for yourself.
At the end it is the sound quality that matters not the specific technology.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ