@erik_squires Fritz definitely looks interesting. I like the idea of supporting an independent speaker maker who uses high quality components. Will keep a look out.
@nonoise I did try plugging the Aerial ports, as well as moving them further into the room, and it’s still too much. I think they’re just too much speaker for the small volume in the room here.
@gkelly I really can’t store the records elsewhere as my deal with my wife is if I got my own music room or “mini man-cave”, I’d store all my gear and media here in the room. So the only way they leave the room is if I downsize and get rid of them altogether. The round grey discs are in-ceiling/in-wall speakers for my Atmos setup. I really am trying to do a lot with the room, so there’s a 65” TV up front, but I painted the wall black to make it less obvious. For the Atmos speakers, they had to be in-wall/in-ceilling for space reasons, but it actually sounds pretty good for what it is. I don’t object to placing acoustic panels on the ceiling - it’s just harder to place them temporarily in spaces to hear the effect with gravity and all. And I’m constrained a bit by the 4 Atmos speakers in the ceiling.
@tubeguy80 Yes, it’s been a fun project. I’ve kind of given up on the Aerials as if moving them around, plugging the ports, and treating the corners isn’t enough, it’s probably just too big a speaker for the space.
I just put in the Monitor Audio Gold Reference 20’s and I’m able to get away with just the back corner treatments and haven’t had to plug the rear ports on them yet. They’re placed near the top of the speaker- 35” off the ground vs the much lower port on the Aerials (12” off the ground). Maybe this is providing some breathing room, plus it’s just a smaller speaker to begin with.
I think I’m going to play with placement of the Monitor Golds for now and once I optimize, see what I think I’m lacking sonically. In parallel, keep my eyes open for some opportunistic buying opportunities on standmount monitors, which size wise just seem to be intuitively a better fit for this smaller room.