Some other thoughts,
If you have been using the same tank of water for 5 months without refreshing the chemistry, the 'chemistry' of the Versa-Clean is likely long since exhausted and the tank water may be acidic. Water at room temp and just warm will absorb air and CO2 which will then lead to formation of a weak acid - carbonic acid. You may be able to check the chemistry with a simple shake test - take a sample of tank water in a clean clear container, cap, and vigorous shake for about 15-sec - how much if any foam is produced, and how much is still present after 3-5 minutes. Compare with a fresh diluted Versa-Clean. That may give you an indication of remaining chemistry. Also, the carbon filter only has so much soil/particulate holding capacity before break-through after which the influent (goes-in) is the same as the effluent (goes-out). Depending on the number of records you are cleaning, using the same bath for more than 60-90 days is a stretch at best. At worst, the cloudy condition could be the formation of bacteria.
Some other thoughts,
If you have been using the same tank of water for 5 months without refreshing the chemistry, the 'chemistry' of the Versa-Clean is likely long since exhausted and the tank water may be acidic. Water at room temp and just warm will absorb air and CO2 which will then lead to formation of a weak acid - carbonic acid. You may be able to check the chemistry with a simple shake test - take a sample of tank water in a clean clear container, cap, and vigorous shake for about 15-sec - how much if any foam is produced, and how much is still present after 3-5 minutes. Compare with a fresh diluted Versa-Clean. That may give you an indication of remaining chemistry. Also, the carbon filter only has so much soil/particulate holding capacity before break-through after which the influent (goes-in) is the same as the effluent (goes-out). Depending on the number of records you are cleaning, using the same bath for more than 60-90 days is a stretch at best. At worst, the cloudy condition could be the formation of bacteria.