Thunder? Or, thunderstruck?

Good afternoon to the community! 

Does anyone have any experience using a PS Audio BHK Signature 300 Mono Power Amplifier to drive a pair of Martin Logan 11As?  Currently, I’m using a pair of Bob Carver’s 350s.  Thanks! 

Gentlemen, I’m not "schooling" anyone. Just funnin'.
Why can’t we all just learn to get along? ;-)

millercarbon, in case you don't understand the definition of "schooling", I offer the following:

According to Collins -  

"Schooling definition: Schooling is education that children receive at school."

millercarbon, please take a lesson from noromance!  Noromance, thank you for schooling millercarbon!!


"Its kind of a thing in component selection to take into consideration what sort of music the user tends towards."

Are you EVER going to learn the difference between "it's" and "its"?  Would you like an explanation from this simpleton????      

Thanks noromance!  I think millercarbon references AC/DC as that PS amp is BOTH a tube and solid state amp and the Carvers are strictly tubes.  But with millercarbon, one can never be sure! 
millercarbon - the sophistication of your remark baffles a simpleton such as myself!

Yes. I can see that now.

Okay so here's the deal. Its kind of a thing in component selection to take into consideration what sort of music the user tends towards. 

AC/DC? Or Two Cellos?
millercarbon - the sophistication of your remark baffles a simpleton such as myself!