Time to sell my dvd collection?

With HD DVD just getting of it's feet and Blu-Ray coming soon is now a good time to sell my 250-300 dvds? I would like to do it before they become obsolete and lose more value. What do you guys think? I really don't even watch them as I'm kept busy with new releases via Blockbuster Online.


Showing 3 responses by holenneck

i have spoken to a writer who is currently reviewing the hd-dvd's and he says there isnt that much of a difference to warrant buying the hd version. perhaps you should spend the money on a newer processor or a newer receiver. the real advantage for audiophiles will be the uncompressed sound.
Can you please clarify? Is my assumption incorrect that hi def dvd has as good a picture as my hi def TV from the cable?

yes, the picture is better, but it isnt that much better to warrant buying new copies unless you watch the movie over and over again. not every movie will be released in a hd format. wait a while, it will all shake out. i will have one in for review in a couple of weeks when i review a new anthem processor, i will post here my experience.
The reason the new HD formats will take over is simple, everyone will have an HDTV in the next 5 years. The reason DVD-A and SACD didnt win people over is because you have to spend a pretty penny to achieve the requirements to play the disks. The mass public will buy the new tv's. Only audiophiles buy the hi-res disks. Its really that simple.

In the end, I think the extra space on the new disks will benefit sound quality to a greater extent than the video. DVD has a good pic, it does get better in HD, but uncompressed sound, the way the sound engineer intended will be incredible. We may have to wait a few years to sort it all out, but it will survive and thrive.