To all tube lovers.......

To all the tube lovers out there: If you COULD NOT listen to a tube amp and you HAD to go solid state or digital, what amp would you get to replace your tubes? I've always been a tube guy. Every amp I've ever owned has been a tube amp. However, I may get a new speaker that is 88 db @ 4 (maybe 6), ohm. If so, I must get a higher powered amp. Keep in mind, I"m not just looking for any amp. Preferably 100 watts or more. Solid state? Digital? I've heard wonderful and not-so-wonderful feedback on Nuforce and Spectral in the digital camp.

I just don't want to regret getting out of tubes just so I can change speakers.
It isn't just a matter of sensitivity, but impedance swings; which are less than ideal for tube amps - take something like Wilson or Thiel which might be quite sensitive, but their low impedances in the bass region make for a disappointing match with most tube amps.

If I wanted a tube like SS amp I would go with the Pass XA.5 series, or Ayre.
Pass Labs Monoblocks Aleph 2 single ended 100 watts each. For sale now. Have heard these before and they are as close to tubes as you can expect. They do give off a lot of heat but oh what sound. Probably drive any speaker out there. My opinion but there may still be some reviews around.
Note: I have nothing to do with seller. Just heard them years ago at a local dealer and was about to purchase the Aleph 60's but went in a different direction.
I dunno- maybe get rid of a speaker that is not that friendly?

If you like tubes, don't buy a speaker that won't work with them.