To all tube lovers.......

To all the tube lovers out there: If you COULD NOT listen to a tube amp and you HAD to go solid state or digital, what amp would you get to replace your tubes? I've always been a tube guy. Every amp I've ever owned has been a tube amp. However, I may get a new speaker that is 88 db @ 4 (maybe 6), ohm. If so, I must get a higher powered amp. Keep in mind, I"m not just looking for any amp. Preferably 100 watts or more. Solid state? Digital? I've heard wonderful and not-so-wonderful feedback on Nuforce and Spectral in the digital camp.

I just don't want to regret getting out of tubes just so I can change speakers.
88db is not inefficent,I have 81db Spendors driven with 50 watt Quicksilvers with no problem,stay with tubes you will get tired of solid state in time.
It isn't just a matter of sensitivity, but impedance swings; which are less than ideal for tube amps - take something like Wilson or Thiel which might be quite sensitive, but their low impedances in the bass region make for a disappointing match with most tube amps.

If I wanted a tube like SS amp I would go with the Pass XA.5 series, or Ayre.
Pass Labs Monoblocks Aleph 2 single ended 100 watts each. For sale now. Have heard these before and they are as close to tubes as you can expect. They do give off a lot of heat but oh what sound. Probably drive any speaker out there. My opinion but there may still be some reviews around.
Note: I have nothing to do with seller. Just heard them years ago at a local dealer and was about to purchase the Aleph 60's but went in a different direction.
I dunno- maybe get rid of a speaker that is not that friendly?

If you like tubes, don't buy a speaker that won't work with them.