To retube or not to retube?

I have a BAT vkp-5 / VPI TNT JR W/ BENZ Ruby H, I have noticed about the last month that the left side is a little lower in output into the pre amp. I know I could change the right/ left tonearm cable to the cartridge which would really tell me if it in the cartridge. What keeps me from doing this is I dont have the best eyesight and hands are very rough. I have allready broke one tonearm cable.
Thats why I am asking this question am seeking imput on if the vkp-5 needs new tubes, is this a sign it should be retubed. Seeking knowledge before I start to experiment.
The other source`s are fine on balance tuner/ cd. David

Showing 1 response by pmotz

Rather than swapping at the cartridge end, why not swap at the other end? That is, swap the RCA connectors at the preamp.